
"Brooklyn Township" was organized June 1, 1818 and embraced originally "all that part of Cleveland situated on the west side of the Cuyahoga River, except the farm owned by Alfred Kelly." Brooklyn's boundaries were the City of Cleveland and Lake Erie on the north, the townships of Parma and Independence on the south, the City of Cleveland and Newburgh Township on the east and the township of Rockport on the west.
(Cuyahoga County History of 1879)

The portion of Brooklyn Township which is now the City of Brooklyn became a village on March 26, 1927 and was chartered as a city in 1952.

The Brooklyn Historical Society and Museum

Brooklyn Historical Society was founded by Mrs. Elizabeth Wachs, September 30, 1970. The original museum was opened September 30, 1973. The new addition was opened on September 30, 1984.

Eleven rooms of furniture and artifacts from the 1830's through the mid 1900s are on display, as well as a library pertaining to local and state history. Use of the library for research is by appointment only. Please note that the library is not a lending library.

Quilting and rag rug loom demonstrations are held on Tuesday by appointment.

Crafts made by the members, gift items and herb products are on sale in the museum gift shop.

On the grounds, there is an old-fashioned gazebo, a log cabin and a large perennial and herb garden.

The Brooklyn Historical Society leases the museum buildings from the City of Brooklyn. All operating expenses and many improvements are paid for by the Historical Society. Membership fees and donations, quilting and fund-raising events help keep the Society solvent.